National Energy Administration: Establish A Cost Dredging Mechanism For New Energy Storage To Promote The Commercialization Of New Energy Storage
Release date: 2022-07-27

    On July 27, He Yang, Director of the Electric Power Department of the National Energy Administration, said at the press conference of the National Energy Administration that the traditional electric power system needs to be balanced instantaneously because the electric power cannot be stored. With the large-scale access of wind power and photovoltaic, the system will also generate a lot of uncertainties because of the uncertainty of wind power and photovoltaic. At this time, new energy storage will play a very important role in the system. Therefore, the development of new energy storage is highly concerned by the power industry, manufacturing industry and society.

    In general, since the "13th Five-Year Plan", our new energy storage is in a transitional stage from R&D demonstration to the early stage of commercial development. At present, many substantial progress has been made in the research and development of technical equipment, the construction of demonstration projects, the exploration of business models and the construction of policy systems. The market application scale of new energy storage is steadily expanding, and its supporting role for energy transformation is initially emerging. The current progress of new energy storage is mainly reflected in three aspects:


一、The technical level and installed capacity of new energy storage are steadily improving.

    The new energy storage technology has made great progress in improving efficiency, reducing cost, extending service life and improving safety. Now the technical standard system for new energy storage has also been initially established. We know that the industrialization process of various new energy storage technology routes, such as lithium-ion battery, liquid-flow battery and compressed air, is significantly accelerated. By the end of last year, the installed capacity of new energy storage in the country had exceeded 4 million kilowatts. Although the number of new energy storage is small compared with the total installed capacity of our country, it has grown rapidly.

二、The application scenarios and business models of new energy storage are constantly expanding.

    Now, in terms of new energy plus energy storage, that is, wind power, photovoltaic plus energy storage configuration, as well as the configuration of power supply in desert, gobi and desert base just introduced, wind power, photovoltaic, coal power plus energy storage is also a configuration mode, and there are still a large number of "Internet plus+energy storage", "distributed smart grid+energy storage", etc., and diversified application scenarios are constantly emerging.

三、The policy system and market mechanism for new energy storage have been initially established.

    The National Energy Administration, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, issued a series of documents, and formulated a preliminary policy mechanism in the innovative planning of new energy storage, application project management, participation in the power market and dispatching operation.

    In the next step, the National Energy Administration should do a good job in four aspects in promoting the development of new energy storage:

    1. Continue to promote the pilot and demonstration of new energy storage. Through pilot demonstration, we will drive the innovation of our new energy storage technology, business model and institutional mechanism.

    2. According to different application scenarios, we will work with relevant departments to study the cost dredging mechanism of new energy storage, and establish the cost dredging mechanism of new energy storage to promote the commercial application and development of new energy storage.

    3. It is to guide all localities to do a good job in the special planning and research of new energy storage, and guide all localities to adjust measures to local conditions and diversify the development of energy storage.

    4. It is a big data platform to make good use of the new energy storage, and use this platform to strengthen information exchange and experience sharing, so as to promote the high-quality development of our entire new energy storage industry.

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