Why to develop energy storage system?
Release date: 2022-12-10

Why to develop energy storage system?

At present, under the theme of carbon neutrality, the global energy system is changing from traditional thermal power generation to renewable energy, that is, the energy structure dominated by new energy generation. However, the mode of new energy power generation using natural environment for power generation has great randomness. Taking the most common wind power generation as an example, there is a mismatch between the peak of power generation and the peak of power consumption.图片1.png

    Due to its energy characteristics, current (electric energy) cannot be stored directly in the form of AC current, and needs to be "used as soon as possible", while wind energy and solar energy resources depend on the weather. Therefore, wind power and photovoltaic power have more or less the embarrassing situation of "generating a lot of electricity when it is not needed, and the capacity is limited when it is needed". At this time, the electric energy that is nowhere to be used will be discarded, which is often referred to as "discarding wind and discarding light" in the industry.

    Through the mature energy storage system, the abandoned power in the above scenarios can be retained and released when the demand for power is large, achieving the effect of "peak shaving and valley filling", which can effectively relieve the pressure of power generation, and also enable the new energy power generation to be better integrated into the existing power network, realizing the conservation and efficient use of resources.

    With the continuous progress of new energy power generation technology and the decline of cost, the business model of energy storage application scenarios represented by wind storage and optical storage has gradually matured. At the moment of large-scale integration of new energy into the grid, the importance of electric energy storage system has gradually increased in order to effectively utilize the abandoned new energy.

    In the energy storage system, the energy storage cabinet is a device similar to a container. There are a large number of battery clusters inside. After the continuous charging and discharging process of the battery, the aging battery is prone to thermal runaway phenomenon of the battery, leading to combustion fire. When the thermal runaway of the battery occurs, a large amount of gas will be released in the smoldering stage. By testing the changes of CO, VOC, electrolyte volatiles, temperature and other parameters, problems can be found in time to avoid further and greater losses.

    The HHS-LD0006 module launched by Guangyuan Technology is a multi in one module, which can well monitor the gas generated during the smoldering phase of battery thermal runaway, so as to truly prevent problems before they happen.

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