Gas stations and mobile phones
Release date: 2023-01-02

    Gas stations and mobile phones


    As a radio communication tool, mobile phone can induce radio frequency current in the antenna receiving radio through radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic radiation) transmitted by radio transmitter. When RF current circulates between metal conductors, RF sparks will be generated if corrosion or poor contact occurs. As long as the duration of the radio frequency spark exceeds 1 microsecond and the energy is greater than 6 milliwatts, the mixture of methane and air gas will be ignited. Because gasoline is a volatile substance, radio frequency sparks generated by mobile phones can easily cause explosions and disasters in the flammable hazardous areas caused by the leakage of oil and gas tanks and natural gas pipelines.    When the gas station fills the fuel tank of a car or motorcycle with gasoline through an oil gun, the oil and gas in the original empty fuel tank will float outward, and the newly filled gasoline will also volatilize into air, resulting in a sudden increase in the density of oil and gas around the refueling vehicle.

    In order to make the communication signal clearer, the mobile phone is used frequently and the transmission power is relatively strong. Even if it meets the national standard, it still poses a serious threat to the gas station. Because computer control is widely used in gas stations nowadays, the high intensity mobile phone signal will induce the computer equipment, and the instantaneous electronic friction between the two may ignite the gas and cause an explosion. The current required to ignite the fuel vapor is very small, and the electrostatic current generated by the mobile phone under working conditions can completely reach this limit. If you encounter cloudy or foggy weather with high air humidity and low air pressure when receiving and unloading oil at the gas station or gas station, the density of oil and steam will increase correspondingly due to poor air circulation, and the possibility of explosion caused by answering and calling mobile phones will further increase.

    So can we use mobile phones in the gas station in the future!? The answer is yes. At present, mobile payment has been popularized in all walks of life depending on the convenience of use. In the future, it can also be popularized in gas stations. As for safety, many gas dispensers have been equipped with oil and gas recovery equipment under the environmental protection policy. The concentration of oil and gas volatilized into the air during refueling is very low; As long as the combustible gas alarm device is used to monitor the concentration of combustible gas in the air in real time, it is completely safe to use mobile phone communication in the gas station.

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